
© Klemens Gresch 1993

Jan 1949 born in Munich, Germany
1955-1968 school education in Nürnberg
1968-1974 academic education at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, for the teaching profession on high schools with chemistry and biology as subject, finished with the first degree.

1974-1979 scientific assistant at the Zoological Institute
Feb 1975 diploma degree in biology
Feb 1979 thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) about phylogeny and embryology of Pycnogonids (sea-spiders)
May 1979 appointed civil servant on a temporary basis of 3 years at the university of Erlangen-Nürnberg

April 1981 Head of the education department at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, responsible for visitor services: conception of guided tours and educational programs, training of freelance guides and attendants (till June 2004), development of educational print media, planning of educational exhibits and webmaster for the internet presentation of Senckenberg (till Dez 2003).
January 2011 early retirement.

2012 Volunteer in the Botanical herbarium (hb FR)
Since June 2016 Appointed honorary staff member at the Botanical herbarium (hb FR), responsible for bryophytes

Board member of the German museum association (Deutscher Museumsbund) 1999 - 2003

Member of ICOM since 1982 and participation in some ICOM general conferences (London, Stavanger, Melbourne and Barcelona). Although I have been interested in CECA as well as NatHist activities in the past finally decided on NatHist as committee to work actively for.

Elected as secretary of ICOM-NATHIST for the periode 1998-2001 & 2001-2004 and subsequently as chairperson for 2004-2007 & 2007-2010.

© Baum 1994

Blätter von Nothofagus pumilio
Nothofagus pumilio
Was ich am liebsten mache ...
Urlaub in Urwald

Ich geh im Urwald für mich hin...

Wie schön, daß ich im Urwald bin:

Man kann hier noch so lange wandern,

ein Urbaum steht neben dem andern.

Und an den Bäumen, Blatt für Blatt,

hängt Urlaub.

Schön, daß man ihn hat!

(ein Gedicht von Heinz Erhardt)