Stamps with dinosaurs (and other fossils)
Since 1951 stamps with fossils have been issued.
The first one came from
India, issued 13.1.1951, and shows fossil elephants.
19 months later it was followed by the first
ammonite (Berbericeras sikikensis) from Algeria (issued 11.8.1952)
The 3rd stamp was issued
15.1.1955 in USA and shows the famous collector Mr. Peale. On the background to
the right you will find a skeleton of a
mastodon (Mammut
americanus), which found its way via London to Darmstadt in Germany and is
still exhibited at the
The first dinosaur is from China, issued 15.4.1958. The set of
3 stamps shows Lufengosaurus, a trilobite and the giant deer of
Meanwhile innumerable stamps have been issued by post
offices all over the world, some of them only for collectors.
Dinosaurs on
stamps (complete list)
1965 the first stamp with a fossil man was
issued in Tanzania.
Fossil man on
1979 and 1998 stamps were issued by the "Deutsche
Bundespost" in Germany showing fossils from the Messel Pit Fossil Site, which
became World Heritage Site in December1995.
The original fossils
(bat depicted on this
stamps are exhibited at the famous
Senckenberg Natural History
Museum in Frankfurt am Main.
All internet pages on stamps in German:
Updated July 2, 1999, Gerhard